Item 84 of 175
057c / Fucking Good KAMCHATKA - Ballett für 2 Fischdiebe
non grata works
Sony HVR-Z1E
Divicam / Digi-Beta
Kamchatka, Krapivnaja
Russian / German Edition
views 476

Hallo lieber Jürg,

habe mir Deinen Kamtschatka-Film angeschaut. Sehr gut die Geschichte rund um die Fischer, sehr emotional mit den Zeichnungen am Schluss vertieft.
Ausserordentlich gut die Musik.

Fucking Good KAMCHATKA - a ballet for two poachers
Directed by Juerg Da Vaz
1000 miles from Kamchatsky-Petropavlovsk in the deep forest of Kamchatka and 120 Miles away from Esso, the next village, we meet Ivan and Dima, the two poachers in their little hut. They takes us for fishing. Nothing is planned, no situation arranged, no questions asked. Juerg and Yuri are unexpected passers-by. The mosquiitoes clearly draw the line.
The social situation offers a rare glimpse into the lifes of men that have run away from prison in Petropavlovsk. 24 hours are just about enough to survive for one day. The struggle for daily survival is part of their pride and strength. But their is another side to isolation. The butterfly and the portraits of Faina create a level of sensitivity of another world and show that culture has a life and an existence, even when circumstances are less than favorable. Faina is a special character. Her self-pride makes her€“ and us believe that their could be a new beginning at any moment, if...

full cast
Driver: Sergei Klyukin
Translation: Klim Kolosov
Camera 1: Juerg Da Vaz
Camera 2: Yury Burak
Sound: Bela Zsebeny
Music: Galina Ustvolskaya
Musical adaptation: Zsolt Benedek, Juerg Da Vaz
Edited by: Zsolt Benedek, Juerg Da Vaz
Director: Juerg Da Vaz

People of Krapivnaya
Ludmilla Osipenko
Wolfgang Mertin
Peter Hailer
Sergei Khubunaya
Krisztian Petrovics
Andras Pap
Ursula Davatz
Shot on site in Krapivnaya, Region Bistritsky, Kamchatka, Russia