083e / DPRK / haircut in a cooperative state farm - Wonsan
body plans
Sony PD 150 / Digi Beta
Divicam / Digi-Beta
DPRK, Wonsan area, statefarm
Korea (Dem.V.Rep.)
Korean -English
DPRK / haircut in a cooperative state farm - Wonsan
views: 21.256
Wonsan area on the East Coast of North Korea
After several unsuccessful attempts to get a haircut in Pyongyang, I unexpectedly got one at a Model-Cooperative state farm in the Wonsan area on the East Coast of North Korea. My guide Tong Hui was elated when she got the go-ahead! from the woman in charge at the Cooperative state farm and even made some photos herself. After her many "Not possible" she finally surprised me with a hair cut offer in a special most unlikely place! Yes, I had not expected that! For the locals it cost 5 cent, for me it was five EURO, probably a month's salary for a farmworker.