Site His Life English
January, meets his future friend. Exhibition, «Das Sägewerk in den Köpfen». Sagi 103 Illnau, CH.February,with Urle in Budapest. While on a late night walk through heavenly snowed in Budapest Urle detects a black something covered by snow in Uri utca. As she picks it up it turns out to be red and singing: «O my beloved mobile phone!?» It is the voice and the Nokia - they find out - of famous Hungarian singer Márta Sebestyén (English Patient). He starts the movement «Reconstructivism» with Didier Ettlin, Daniel Grando and Bernhard Rothlin. They develop the CAD 3D animation «Morphopolis», a City reconstructed after a detail of the drawing Morphogenesis. March, is invited by Professor András Peterffy to give a lecture on «Roots of Communication» at the Catholic University in Budapest. He asks Márta Sebestyén to join the performance. He shoots the lecture as a creative documentary and edits the film «Cabbage Tales». June, Mücsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest, exhibition «Perspectiva». He edits the film «Sikkim Stories», «Bhutan live», «O! Lucky Calcutta». July,he finishes «Morphopolis», for which he produced his first music composition after two pieces by Steve Reich. He meets his old friend Eugen Beck. Under the guidance of Gieri, his son Zeno, his «uncreative» friend Saumya and Bipasha (I fell in love with Swiss chocolate) he works on his webpage. August, Eclipse in Budapest: Installation «Clockwork» in front of the Opera: End of «Ice-olation», End of «I-solation», End of «isolation», Furniture design of Palette ( P1, P2, P3), summer belongs to Greece. September: Develops «Morphoride», a bus map through Morphopolis with 32 bus-stops visualized as Panoramas on canvas and as quick time movies. October: He finishes Morphopolis and Morphoride. Travels to China. Meets his friend Dieter Zimmer, professor for industrial design, who introduced Da Vaz to the Academy. Teaches «Basics of Abstract Drawing» at the China National Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou. The Freedom Arts Department where he coaches his students is a newly created body within the Academy specially set up to develop new methods and techniques. Lectures at the Computer Department. He finds his chinese students highly motivated and very well trained. Exhibition «Morphopolis» in the Hall of Sculptures in collaboration with Dieter Zimmer from the Muthesius Hochschule Kiel.The Exhibition is opened by Heide Simonis, President of Schleswig-Hollstein and Pan Gon Kai, President of the Academy. He visits several factories. He initiates an exhibition for the drawings of his chinese students. China State TV CCTV 1 in Bejing is shooting a report on Da Vaz, his work, his films and his coaching method at the China National Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou for broadcasting nationwide. November: From Hangzhou he travels to the gardens of Suzhou and to the city of Schanghai where he is invited to give a seminar at the National Design Academy.