Early years 1946-1957 | Times of Change 1965 - 1975 | Private Life 1975 - 1989 | Change of times 1990 - 2000 |
- 01.01.2006January, meets his future friend. Exhibition, «Das Sägewerk in den Köpfen». Sagi 103 Illnau, CH.February,with Urle in Budapest. While on a late night walk through heavenly snowed in Budapest Urle detects a black something covered by snow in Uri utca. As she picks it up it turns out to be red and singing: «O my beloved mobile phone!?» It is the voice and the Nokia - they find out - of famous Hungarian singer Márta Sebestyén (English Patient). He starts the movement «Reconstructivism» with Didier Ettlin, Daniel Grando and Bernhard Rothlin. They develop the CAD 3D animation «Morphopolis», a City reconstructed after a detail of the drawing Morphogenesis. March, is invited by Professor András Peterffy to give a lecture on «Roots of Communication» at the Catholic University in Budapest. He asks Márta Sebestyén to join the performance. He shoots the lecture as a creative documentary and edits the film «Cabbage Tales». June, Mücsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest, exhibition «Perspectiva». He edits the film «Sikkim Stories», «Bhutan live», «O! Lucky Calcutta». July,he finishes «Morphopolis», for which he produced his first music composition after two pieces by Steve Reich. He meets his old friend Eugen Beck. Under the guidance of Gieri, his son Zeno, his «uncreative» friend Saumya and Bipasha (I fell in love with Swiss chocolate) he works on his webpage. August, Eclipse in Budapest: Installation «Clockwork» in front of the Opera: End of «Ice-olation», End of «I-solation», End of «isolation», Furniture design of Palette ( P1, P2, P3), summer belongs to Greece. September: Develops «Morphoride», a bus map through Morphopolis with 32 bus-stops visualized as Panoramas on canvas and as quick time movies. October: He finishes Morphopolis and Morphoride. Travels to China. Meets his friend Dieter Zimmer, professor for industrial design, who introduced Da Vaz to the Academy. Teaches «Basics of Abstract Drawing» at the China National Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou. The Freedom Arts Department where he coaches his students is a newly created body within the Academy specially set up to develop new methods and techniques. Lectures at the Computer Department. He finds his chinese students highly motivated and very well trained. Exhibition «Morphopolis» in the Hall of Sculptures in collaboration with Dieter Zimmer from the Muthesius Hochschule Kiel.The Exhibition is opened by Heide Simonis, President of Schleswig-Hollstein and Pan Gon Kai, President of the Academy. He visits several factories. He initiates an exhibition for the drawings of his chinese students. China State TV CCTV 1 in Bejing is shooting a report on Da Vaz, his work, his films and his coaching method at the China National Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou for broadcasting nationwide. November: From Hangzhou he travels to the gardens of Suzhou and to the city of Schanghai where he is invited to give a seminar at the National Design Academy.
- 01.01.2006Meets László Beke («From Caspar David Friedrich to Da Vaz»), Director of Mücsarnok, Kunsthalle in Budapest. June-July Exhibition «A semmi öröme - The Joy of Nothing» at Kiscelli Museum. László Beke, Roy Oppenheim and Peter Fitz open the exhibition. Meets István Kantor who dedicates to Da Vaz the bombastic sound structure «A Concert for Filing Cabinets». Publication of the book «Der Wunderblock» by Benteli Verlag, Bern, Switzerland. June meets András Péterffy, Director of Education and Communication at MTV Hungary and Professor at the Catholic University. András Péterffy invites him to a series of 6 interviews («Who is drawing these pictures?») without prior knowledge of location or content at various places in the city of Budapest, a document called «The Budapest Diary», der Vorwärtsgänger. End of July András and Jüg record «The Kiscelli Interview». The summer belongs to Greece. August the film «The Other Eye», a Passage through India, is broadcast by MTV Hungary. 31st August death of his 87 year old mother («I feel an overwhelming weakness»). September Hamburg and Berlin. The film «Short Stories from Moscow» is broadcast by MTV Hungary. October, visits Jurij and Aloena Burak and their Babushkas in Moscow, works in the archive, shoots the film «pf-Erde am Himmel» and «Works in Progress» with his friend and cameraman Jurij Burak at Ulica Radio in Moscow. End of October he is back in Budapest, shoots «Pick and Pen», the Chicken of Babolna, «Gegenständlich Zeichnen für Anfänger». Interview together with Jurij Burak («Life is like a book») on MTV Budapest. November, with Péterffy and the cameramen Jurij Burak, Lászlo Dörflinger, Ernö Nagy he shoots the film «Chickenpicknick», «Gegenständlich Zeichnen für Fortgeschrittene» and the film «Last Night I was Two Cats». Editing with Sandor Gréczi in Budapest. Exhibition Art Room Lengnau CH with Interpretations by Roy Oppenheim. December travels with his family to the Indian wedding of Neetika and Siddharth in New Delhi. The Davatz family moves on to Chandigarh and the Hill Stations Simla, Darjeling, Kalimpong and Gangtok. With two jeeps the travel through North Sikkim to Yumthang and to the border area of Tibet (4600m), to Tashiding and Yuksom in the West. From Siliguri through the plains of the great heat to Phuntsoling from where they take of to the highlands and mountains of the Kingdom of Bhutan where they travel extensively.Finally the family reaches Calcutta, the City of Joy. New Year in Delhi. Fog. While in Darjeeling he is informed by Hungarian TV that he got the award «Prix de Bâle», Prix de la SSR at the 36th Seminar of Europeen TV Stations for Education for his film «The Other Eye», a Passage through India.In Budapest he meets the film director Sándor Novobáczky.
- 01.01.2006February invitation from Jane and Walter to visit them in Bombay, India. Meets the film director Raj Tilak in Bombay. With his support and in cooperation with B. R. Film Studio at the movie city «Bollywood» in Bombay he shoots the film «The Other Eye», a passage through India. Travels around India by train and car. Meets Dadaji Jain on the flight from Varanasi to Delhi. April-May Meets Adrian Geiges and Katharina Geissler in Hong Kong and with them he shoots the film «Morphopolis». «Moving Focus» exhibition at the EPFL Lausanne upon the invitation of Alfred Strohmeier. September in Barcelona, for the first time in Gaudi's temple. October in Moscow following an invitation from Ulla and Franz Wagenbach. Through Franz he meets the cameraman Jurij Burak. With him he shoots the film «Trapped Reality», Short Stories from Moscow. November returns to Moscow. With Juri Burak he shoots the film «Suite 702», Day of Revolution - a Game of Suffering and Hope at the Hotel Moskva. Lives and works at the Foundation for Hungarian Culture «Kulturinnov» in Budapest.
- 01.01.2006Aranka Mani organizes the Atelier for him at the Foundation for Hungarian Culture «Kulturinnov» at the Szentharomsag tér up at the castle on Fischerbastei in Budapest.
- 01.01.2006The family persuades him to return to public art life. Meets Reto Rossi. Following an invitation from architect Markus Haefeli, he participates in the contest for Leuggern Regional Hospital. Daughter Ariuscha recommends Roy Oppenheim as his mentor. Through Miklos Hajnos, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Hungary, he meets Brigitta and Claudio Caratsch, the Swiss Ambassador in Budapest.
- 01.01.2006October in Vietnam. Travels with the family the full length of the whole country, from south to north. In the south along the Mekong river. West of Saigon visiting the Vietcong tunnels of Cu Chi. Staying at Dalat, Nha Trang, Hoi An. The smell of rice crops and flocks of ducks. Scooter trip into the mountains. Ferry across the red river. Days on a boat between the 3000 islands of the Bay d'Halong. Stay in Hanoi. Traveling up north. Temples. December car accident on the Peloponnesos.
- 01.01.2006February journey with the family to the Middle Ages. Arrival in Kathmandu. Trekking in Nepal.
- 01.01.2006February in Moscow. June in Washington D.C.
- 01.01.2006Reunion with Paris in spring. August in Moscow. Exhibition at the Bettina Gallery in Zurich. Meets the architect Miklos Hajnos.
- 01.01.2006April-May family trip during the last days of the DDR. On May 1st at the border crossing in front of the Brandenburger Tor he meets Oberstleutnant Weck. «Cheese», Weck says, «the Wall is now like a Swiss cheese», and on a stone from the Wall he writes his autograph: «Oberstleutnant Weck, Volksarmee».
- 01.01.2006April-May train journey with the family. Zurich - Berlin - Warsaw - Moscow - Irkutsk - Ulan Ude - Shenyang - Bejing - Hong Kong. At the DDR- Polish border crossing, he loses the children. Reunited in Warsaw. Journey continues from Moscow. The Trans-Siberian Railway is a kiosk on wheels. Sverdlovsk, Lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Ulan Ude. Crosses the border into China. Vegetables available once again. Bejing on a bike. Encounter with the «virtual army» of the clay soldiers in the Xian hills. Journey continued by train to Chengdu and Chongking. On the ferry-boat along the yellow river through the Three Gorges to Wuhan. By train to Guilin. Cormorants on the Yang Shuo river. Arrival in Guangzhou. The revolt in Tiananmen Square in Bejing breaks out. The family arrives in Hong Kong.
December the family travels to Egypt. By car through the desert to Abu Simbel. The light of Assuan. From there several days down river to Luxor on a felucca with two Nubians, cooking and sleeping on the felucca. Encounter with the relief «Mama lactans» in Luxor. - 01.01.2006Travels through Greece. Big storm during the passage from Githion to Crete.
- 01.01.2006Long trips through the Peleponnes.
- 01.01.2006Moves to Winterthurerstrasse 52 in Zurich. Coming from Basel, he loves the Lake of Zurich, particularly the Seebad Zollikon. On one of his many swims across the lake he almost drowns in the middle. He forces himself to continue swimming move by move. No boat is nearby. But it helps that his little daughter Fay is waiting for him at the lakeside. His wife is to far away as a lifeline, she is in Heidelberg at a congress.
- 01.01.2006Returns with his family to Ermioni.
- 01.01.2006Various trips through Spain and Italy. Visits Sicily. In Porto Fino, often visits Christoph and Emmele.
- 01.01.2006Returns to Switzerland, lives in Zurich, Atelier on Rigistrasse 4.
- 01.01.2006Washington, D.C., exhibition at Rizzoli's International Bookstore. Publication of his book «Morphogenesis» in Baltimore, Maryland.
- 01.01.2006New York, exhibition at Rizzoli's International Bookstore. Publication of his book «Psychospheres» in Baltimore, Maryland. The family tours USA in a camper.
- 01.01.2006Moves to Washington, D.C., USA.
- 01.01.2006Georgetown University Hospital, birth of his daughter Fay-Maureen-Chichignou. Maurice André and Alfred Mitterhofer visit him. Publication of «Color Plates» in Rochester, Michigan. Takes ballet lessons from Bernard in Washington, D.C. Beaten up at a gasoline station with baby Fay in his arm. Meets Mistislav Rostropovich, dedicates his Book «Psychospheres» to him.
- 01.01.2006Trip to New York
- 01.01.2006Moves to Pontiac, Michigan, USA. Long journeys through Canada and the USA. The family has four dogs, three cats and a VW van. Produces large ink drawings on canvas. «Biophil» household. Meets Yehudi Menuhin in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- 01.01.2006Publication of the book "Drawings 1973-1974" in Basel. Samedan, birth of his son Zeno-Ramun-Raphael.
- 01.01.2006Lives with his family and works from its midst. Withdraws from public art life.
- 01.01.2006Lives in the mountains. Works on large pencil drawings in Samedan in Oberengadin, in Vulpera in Unterengadin and in Lüsai in Val Müstair. Commences sculpture construction with Manuel Müller's support. Works in a stone-mason's atelier in Carrara, Pietrasanta and Laas, Italy.
- 01.01.2006Exhibition at the Bettina Gallery in Zurich. Fractures his ankle on the Stilfserjoch. Samedan, birth of his daughter Ariuscha-Madlaina-Barbulin.
- 01.01.2006Stay in London. Then he lives with Urle for 8 months at Maxwell Jones' Dingleton Hospital in Melrose, Scotland, where he works on color crayon drawings. Trips with Urle up and down the Scottish Highlands. Meets Dan and Val Jones.
- 01.01.2006Lives and works in Prilly near Lausanne. Exhibition at the Trudelhaus Gallery, Baden.
- 01.01.2006Continues journey with Urle to Taiwan. They stay in Hong Kong Resettlement Area. Live at Paul Levi's. Take a freighter sailing under the flag of the People's Republicof China to Singapore and Indonesia. Invited to stay with Soebali in Jakarta. On Celebes the plane lands in a swamp. Trekking on Celebes. Bus trip across the islands of Java and Bali. On Sumatra the trip through the jungle is interrupted for several days due to a landslide. By train through Malaysia, up to the north of Thailand and Burma, by jeep from Mandalay to the Shan. Arrival in India. He loves Calcutta, the «City of Joy». For the first time cows and Rolls-Royces. Continues journey by train and bus through north and south India. Ootacamund. In the luggage rack to Poona. Stay in Bombay. Flight back to Switzerland because of bad health
- 01.01.2006Basel Railwaystation: They say good-bye to family and friends. He travels with Urle for one year. Franz joins them. They take the train through Hungary, the Ukraine, Russia, change to the Trans-Siberian Railway in Moscow and keep traveling trough the Ural and Siberia with many stops and stays in Novosibirsk with a trip to Akademgorodok, the scientific city, where he drops in at the university. He walks unattended through the whole building and finds an open door in the library where to his great surprise, the latest album of the Beatles is playing. Moving on to Irkutsk and by boat on lake Baikal. As they return to their hotel in Irkutsk, they run into Urles Uncle Christoph and Tante Emele who happen to be returning from Mongolia for an overnight stay Ain Irkutsk. Traveling along Ussuri river to Chabarowsk where they meet a friendly female guide who makes possible many unothorized visits in the City. After a month traveling through the Eurasian Continent they arrive in Nachodka and leave by ship to Japan. Arranged by Seizo Fujimura, his friend Chikara Morita awaits them in the Port of Osaka. He lives and works for 6 months in Osaka, Inami, Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe. He lives and works one months in Gotemba, at the foot of the Fujiyama. Meets the sculpturer Norio Imai in Osaka: «Nothing is as present as nothing». Subsequently, goes traveling from temple to temple on the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido. For a period of two months he gets accommodation in families and sleeps at many temple sites while traveling from village to village, making close contact with the private nature of Buddhism.
- 01.01.2006Invited by Theo Gerber to live and work for 4 monts at the Boulevard de l'Hôpital in Paris. One day, as he strolls through the City he suddenly sees in a bar close by the landing on the Moon.
Exhibition at the De Fries Gallery in Amsterdam. - 01.01.2006Marries Urle Stoll, a doctor. Meets Alex Sadkowsky. Meets Diego and Gilli Stampa. Exhibition at the Stampa Gallery in Basel. Inauguration speech by Prof. Adolf Portmann on the significance of biological phenomena in modern art. Exhibition at Stoll-Giroflex factory, Koblenz. Exhibition at Galerie 57, Biel. Meets Jörg Steiner.
- 01.01.2006At Regine Hindermanns invitation, he spends the winter in Oggiono, a small mountain village in north Italy. Visit to Robert and Miriam Müller in Villiers-le-Bel, France.
- 01.01.2006Invited by Elisabeth Kjösnes from Oslo, he moves for 7 months to Holmedal on Dalsfjord in Norway. Six months blue sky, «Jahrhundertsommer». He paints water-colors and goes fishing. The neighbour Klara cooks and bakes bread for him. He gets the news of the «Prager Frühling». He is glued to the radio. Regular visits to farmer Jens Engebö and his horse at his lonely farm to eat his special sour cream. Jens Engebö is painting too.
Sudden death of his 59-year-old father. His father was the head orderly at the Bürgerspital in Basel.
In the middle of his stay in Holmedal, he dreams that his father has died. He books the next plane and as he arrives in Basel, he is told by his family that father had an aneurisym in the brain. He visits him as he lay unconscious in the hospital. He could not say good-bye to his father which was hard on him.
He returns to Holmedal in Norway. Goes Salmon fishing at Sognfjord. With Urle by ship from the Russian border the whole length of the Norwegian coast.
Exhibition at the Gräber Gallery in Freiburg, Germany. Meets Gottlieb Guntern. - 01.01.2006Eugen and Charlotte Beck offer him the atelier in Lenzgasse 32 (on one condition from the landlady: no bed, no sex). Charlotte requests him to draw. He designs his logo.
- 01.01.2006April-May long tour with Urle in her Deux Chevaux through Sweden, the Soviet Union, the Ukraine, to Moldavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, to Poland and Berlin.
- 01.01.2006Exhibition at Iris and Peter von Roten's house, Heuberg 12, Basel. Meets Eugen Beck. N.C.O. school in Aarau.
- 01.01.2006Military training as a fusilier in Liestal. Werner Humm arranges for him to move into an atelier at Spalenring 12 in Basel.
- 01.01.2006Moves to a small fishing village called Ermioni in the East of the Peloponesos. Rents a small house in the center. Lives and works in the midst of his greek neighbors Litsa and Kottaras. He develops his own technique for Water-colours, oil and mixing technique. Every afternoon at 4pm Heleni Litsa calls him for greek coffee, Travels around on a donkey. Taken in as «a their poor Swiss son» by Antonio and Joanna Kottaras, childless Greek farmers. Spends long winter evenings in the kitchen of his Greek neighbors warming his hands on a little open fireplace.
- 01.01.2006Introduced by his girlfriend Nati to Urle, a medical student, at her sister Susan's birthday. Sudden beginning of his artistic activity. Unexpected interruption in the middle of his Matura. Jürg decides to drop out of school. Paints water-colors at his friend Rolf's in Wengen. Moves into his atelier at Iris von Roten's, Heuberg 12 in Basel. First exhibition at Iris and Peter Roten's house, Heuberg 12
- 01.01.2006Moped trip to Pilsen and Prague with his friend Stefan.
- 01.01.2006During his vacations he regularly travels with his friend Stefan to West and East Berlin. Lives in a garden house on land owned by a West Berlin church parish. Writes articles for Basel daily newspapers on the living conditions, cultural activities and school system in East Berlin. Sees performances at theaters in East Berlin every day, preferably at the Brecht Theater at the Schiffbauer Damm. Experience with condoms. Climbs and photographs the Berlin Wall at night. In addition to school works as a temporary nursing orderly in the Basel Citizens' Hospitalemergency ward
- 01.01.2006Trip on a moped, his head shaved, with his friend Markus through Brittany and along the Loire.
- 01.01.2006Sees Brigitte Bardot for the first time at Cinema Corso in Basel. He is fascinated by her making striptease on a table in a Western movie. He goes several times. He gets wet.
- 01.01.2006He gets his first bicycle. It's a second hand buy. Bike accidents. He gets stuck in the tram tracks, brakes his arm. Later he has a head-on collision with a female layer who broke several bones, comes (again) late to class. He visits her next day together with his father in the hospital.
- 01.01.2006Attends the Humanistische Gymnasium on Münsterplatz in Basel. He is in the same class like Moritz Leuenberger who is now one of the seven Bundesräte of Switzerland. He remembers Moritz as a special case, always good for a prank or two. In the morning, hyperactiv Moritz would enter the classroom, jump the benches, make a lot of fuss and when the teacher would ask who was responsible for the disorder, Moritz was long gone.
Jürg loves sport and is good at it. He goes for training every afternoon. No evidence of any talent in the arts. In his leisure time he plays banjo and on Sunday morning starting at 5 am he helps the milkman till midday. He earns a glass of fresh cream which he brings home for the Sunday afternoon cake. During the week, on free Monday afternoon, he works in the fishmarket and at the Railwaystation cleaning SBB railcar windows. He spends his earnings on building a laboratory for chemistry experiments down in the basement. He works on a big construction for a panoramic electric railway in the attic, an unaccomplishable task he never tires of working on, but never finishes. - 01.01.2006Attends primary school in Wasgenring. Makes a go-cart.
- 01.01.2006Refuses to go to kindergarten. When being forced he holds on to the handrail of the staircase and screams until others come out of their flats and show pity. Mother is deeply embarrassed. Has to wear knitted woolen stockings in winter. He hates wool on skin. During many years of his childhood he spends his vacationon at a farm close to Überlingen in the south of Germany. Sees pigs being slaughtered, tree roots blasted, nettle tea made for the geese, the beaks of the chicks hammering at the egg shell and the first cracks before they appear. He milks the cows, sees the difference between an ox and a bull, sprinkles salt on the cats tails, investigates the bee house behind the duck pond - an incident not without consequences: swarms of bees sting him badly. He is nursed by the old maid with compresses and fresh toffees. When minding the cows, he and Uschi roast potatoes in the furrows. Peeps into pigeons nests with Hans who grabs the young to turn their neck for later eating. Jürg is puzzled. Eats salad sweetened with sugar. Has a dislike for Brussels sprouts. Should eat it anyway at lunchtime when all are back from the field. He grabs his plate, his glas as well as fork and spoon and throws it all accross the huge farmkitchen. He feels like womiting. He runs out of the kitchen to the hay loft up three ladders hiding in the hay behind the pigeon loft. Then he locks himself into the «Plums-Clo» the farmer-toilet. He likes this place, there is newspaper for toiletpaper. He likes the big letters and fotos from men with big gestures. Speaks Badensian dialect.
- 01.01.2006He is looked after by his elder sisters Heidi and Erica. Gets chewing gum for keeping quiet when they secretly buy «Mickey Mouse» at the Kiosk on Kannenfeldplatz in Basel. When out shopping with mother in the City Center, to her great distress, he loves to lie on the pavement in the middle of heavy traffic. He dislikes to greet friends of the family or acquaintances at home, throws himself on the floor. Does not want to give «s'Händli» to people. Does not show respect to adults.
- 01.01.2006Jürg is blond and blue eyed. People think he is an adopted child. He refuses to eat his mothers food. She tries with carrot juice. Neighbors get involved, give her advise. She is desperate. Finally he is transferred to the care of an acquaintance living in the Canton of Thurgau.
- 01.01.2006Born 30.1.1946 in Basel, Mittlerestrasse 58, the third of four children of Georg Davatz from Fanas, Prättigau and Emmi Margaretha Bertschi from Muttenz, Baselland, citizens of Basel and Fanas. His father was the head orderly at the Bürgerspital in Basel.